Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What is a Common Ass Traveler?

What is a Common Ass Traveler? Well, it's anyone of course, but in this case, it's two women in their 40's  who met up after 20 plus years apart, found out that they were both going through their own midlife crisis' in different parts of the country and decided traveling would be the surefire cure to the doldrums of life. Did it matter that neither of them had ever left the country before? Heck, no! They jumped right in and took a 21 day self guided tour of India by themselves and lived to tell the tales.

And where did the horribly uncouth name "Common Ass Traveler" come from?  Well, one of these women is terribly hard of hearing and when driving in the car heard an NPR journalist say it. Well, it happened that she actually said Conde' Naste Traveler, but the phrase just stuck. Besides, its clever, if I do say so myself! (I'm that said woman)

They must have great supportive spouses and lots of money. Well, yes and no. Our spouses are incredibly supportive, but seriously, come on, we also are great at bribery to get them to agree to our hair brained ideas. And I'll tell you- I'm not ashamed! We have an honest trade and barter system.....

Lots of money? HAHAHAHAHAHA Now, that is funny! No not at all, but two women who grew up relatively poor and worked for everything they have, know how to get things done cheaply, find deals, make do, beg, barter and trade!

So why should anyone read this blog or listen to the podcast?  Because with every go with the flow trip there are bound to be hilarious and unbelievable stories that make your day or drive go by faster. There will also be tons of ideas and itineraries that you can use for your next trip and travel tips to help you save money and have a better experience overall!

So what's holding you back? Join us and become a Common Ass Traveler!

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